DEAR ABBY: When my then-boyfriend asked me to marry him, he didn’t have a ring ready, but I happily accepted his proposal. We were in our late 20s and had been dating for almost 10 years. He then took me to the jewelry store so I could select one to my taste and liking (within budget). We took a picture of the ring, and he told me he would bring his mother back to the jewelry shop with him so she could help with the price haggling.
Read moreDEAR ABBY: Since I moved eight years ago, my son, “Jim,” has visited me only once, and that’s because I gave his son my car. I rarely hear from him, and when I have visited, we barely talk. We have totally different ideas on life, and it has caused a rift in our relationship.
Read moreWhen donating to charity, many donors choose to contribute to child sponsorship organizations that assist needy children at home or abroad.
Read moreDEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been together since we were 21, and he has always had a distant relationship with his parents. I encouraged him during the first few years of our marriage to call them and visit. I stopped doing that after his mom and I had some choice words.
Read moreIn India, Dashrath Manjh became known as “Mountain Man” because he single-handedly cut a road through a mountain using only a hammer and chisel— and 22 years. In the eastern part of India, Loungi Bhuiya had watched young men, including his four sons, leave the village because farming was almost impossible in the region. There was plenty of water, but rainfall quickly ran into the Falgu River and swept away. If only a canal could divert water from a forest source into a village pond, it could be used for irrigation. But the canal would need to be two miles long.
Read moreI sincerely believe that we live in a day where the truth has become offensive most people. There was a time when men sought to know and understand truth. Men would look into the stars and ponder life, they would examine the things that they saw under the microscope to understand and unlock the keys of nature and existence. Men would look closely into the holy writings of men of God in order to seek out God and His purpose for mankind.
Read moreWhile working in my front yard the other day, I noticed the mailman zip past our house without stopping. Not too unusual and my only thought was, “Evidently had no mail today.” But just a few minutes later here he came again, from the other direction. Our neighborhood consists of a couple of streets built in a figure eight. It circles thru about fifty homes, so it really isn’t that large of mail delivery zone. But it can be confusing to a newbie, which obviously he was.
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