In the heart of Oklahoma, down Highway 56, lies Wewoka, a town rich in Native heritage, the frontier spirit and its storied past. Dan Houser, Seminole County AFR President and lifelong resident of Wewoka, appreciates the history of his rural community and served as a tour guide when AFR staff members visited the town on June 17, leading discussions on the town’s history, the influence of the Seminole Nation, and one of the state’s best local festival.
Read moreRep. Danny Williams, R-Seminole, recently hosted an interim study focused helping children and families involved in Oklahoma’s foster care system. The study was held before the House Children, Youth and Family Services Committee at the State Capitol.
Read moreU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development and Oklahoma State Director Kenneth Corn announced Wednesday that the College of the Muscogee Nation has been awarded a grant of more than $278,000 to improve the quality of on campus life for students.
Read moreThe story “Friday Night Lights Shine on Veterans” that appeared in our Oct. 22 edition incorrectly stated that Harris Thacker served in the United States Navy from 19711991.
Read moreThe Konawa Conservation District will host a locally led meeting next Tuesday to discuss conservation practices and programs, natural resource concerns and rental equipment.
Read moreToday’s birthdays include Yvette Bailey, Bradley Bible, John Bishop, Butch Coble, Katherine Combs, Wes Ellis, Dakota French, Donna Gayler, Rayna Grant, Ryan Hallum, Fred Herrin, John Hoskison, Carla Johnston, Kathryn Kay, Kevin Kerlin, Hanna Lee, Ashley Lena, Jason Lewis, Kay Luettgens, Nikki Nail, Kerry Robertson, Wilma Rusell, Brandi Smith, Elijah Smith, Barbara Stanton, Brandan Wood & Dewey Wright Jr.
Read moreSeminole Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting
Read moreSpecial Olympics Oklahoma is set to make history with the launch of its first-ever Fall Games, taking place October 25-26, 2024, in Stillwater. This exciting new event will bring together over 500 individuals from across the state to compete in equestrian, cheerleading, flag football, and young athletes’ events.
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