This year the summer solstice, which marks the official start of summer, falls on June 21. During this time of year, schedules become lax and meals often occur on-the-fly - and usually outdoors.
Read moreAfter COVID-19 reached Oklahoma, the state health department began coronavirus-specific inspections of nursing homes, focusing on facilities already exposed.
Read moreCOVID-19 put the brakes on this summer’s Grandparent University hosted by the Oklahoma State University Alumni Association, but the popular classes are now back in virtual session.
Read moreOKLAHOMA CITY AND EDMOND -- Emergency medical care should never be delayed, and OU Medicine has implemented extensive protocols to ensure patients are kept safe in the Emergency Department as COVID-19 infections continue in Oklahoma.
Read moreMore than 30 million Americans have lost their jobs so far this year. The COVID-19 virus is still a threat and the economy will take time to recover. Things may seem scary or bleak right now, but members of the Oklahoma Society of Certified Public Accountants have tips to help you minimize the financial damage and prepare for a new position and opportunities.
Read moreHay fever season can turn allergy sufferers into plant haters. While it is true that many flowers, especially those in the Aster (Asteraceae) family and those that are pollinated by the wind, can bring on an onslaught of symptoms, there are still many, many flowers that should not cause you any sniffles.
Read moreRecent social media posts by the Seminole Firefighters Association Local 2581, the firefighter’s union at the Seminole Fire Department (SFD), have sparked interest around Seminole and with city officials. Multiple posts dating back to May 19 appeared on the Seminole Firefighters Association (SFFA) Facebook page detailing a shortage of available units.
Read moreJessica Hinton (left) and Kelsey Morrell (right) hosted a Black Lives Matter protest in Seminole Saturday evening with over 50 participants. For more photos from the event, please see Page 4. Staff Photo by Heather Scheller
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