Strother Fire Chief Tim Smith reminds everyone that the Strother Fire Department has a great day planned for the entire family this Saturday, April 6.
Read moreSSC Hosts Retirement Reception For Employee
Read moreThe Senate has passed the halfway point in this legislative session. In addition to advancing hundreds of bills to the House, my Senate colleagues and I recently voted on a budget resolution that details our chamber’s conservative spending priorities for the upcoming year.
Read moreNews Release Each April, LifeShare of Oklahoma celebrates Donate Life Month, a month-long observance to focus attention on the need for organ, eye and tissue donation. The celebration is about the importance of registering your decision to be a donor and celebrating the hope that can be given through this decision.
Read moreNotice is hereby given that any person who is a registered voter and a resident of the Seminole County Conservation District and has entered into or will enter into a Cooperator Agreement with the Directors of said District, may have their name placed on the official ballot of the District Director Election of said District for Position Number 2 by filing a Notification and Declaration of Candidacy with said District located at 1400 S Indian Rd, Wewoka, OK between the dates of May 1 - May 14, 2024.
Read moreStaff Report The Seminole County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee met on Tuesday, March 26th. Before the meeting officially began a plaque was presented to former committee member Norita Morgan in appreciation for her many years of service in the Women’s Committee.
Read moreThe Visual Arts Coalition (OVAC) is excited to announce the opening of applications for Thrive Grants, an esteemed annual granting program for artists that celebrates innovation and exploration in the visual arts of Oklahoma. Thrive Grants, funded by and in partnership with the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts through their Regional Regranting Program, aims to empower artists to bring their visions to life and engage communities across the state in unique ways.
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