The Oklahoma Historical Society and State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) are pleased to announce the National Register of Historic Places designation for the following properties in Oklahoma. The National Register of Historic Places is our nation’s official list of properties significant in our past.
Read moreOklahoma State University Agriculture is committed to elevating discussions about agriculture and bringing agricultural issues to the forefront through the Dean’s Dialogue series.
Read moreWithin the last week, 49 U.S. Senators signed a letter urging President Joe Biden to reconsider the expansion of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic authority, a move that Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, applauds. Deevers advocates for the prompt scheduling of Oklahoma Senate Bill 426, highlighting the necessity of legislative vigilance and state sovereignty. This rare alignment with the national delegation has been a pleasant surprise for many Oklahomans, who typically hold modest expectations for their national representatives.
Read moreThe Oklahoma Employment Security Commission’s (OESC) latest employment report, released May 1, shows the preliminary (not revised) statistics for March 2024. According to this report, Seminole County remained the county with the second highest rate of unemployment in the state for the second month in a row.
Read moreSeminole State College honored graduates at its 91st Commencement Ceremony on May 3 in the Raymond Harber Field House.
Read moreAmerican Legion Post 204 is flying a special flag the month of May in honor of a fallen sailor who served his country for more than a decade.
Read moreAn effort to raise Oklahoma’s age of sexual consent appears dead for the session after lawmakers tried to take it a step further by also banning most childhood marriages.
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