Unemployment isn't easy for anyone, regardless of for anyone, regardless of their age. But unemployed men and women over 50 may find it especially difficult to find work.
Read moreMany people subscribe to the notion that "everything is better with bacon." Imagine being able to control the quality and flavor of pork products, and knowing just what went into producing delicious bacon?
Read moreThe term "helicopter parent" was first coined in 1969 by teenagers who were quoted in Dr. Haim Ginott's book "Parents & Teenagers." Helicopter parent describes an overbearing parent who would "hover over kids like a helicopter." Nearly 50 years later, the term has persisted, and we even included as a dictionary entry in 2011.
Read moreA Gift Unwrapped A blank check is waiting to be written to the Seminole Public School District for the purpose of finding and retaining a leader that will usher in
Read moreThe Lions Club, which has been around since 1917, is one of many civic organizations in town, whose members seek to serve and improve the community through active volunteerism and
Read moreTwo Seminole State College employees were recognized for their hard work and dedication during the monthly Seminole Chamber of Commerce Forum on Oct. 10. Business and Education Instructor Amber Flores
Read moreArt Club students from Seminole State College recently visited the Oklahoma City Museum of Art to get a first-hand glimpse of Impressionist artwork from the nineteenth century. The exhibit, Van
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