Above: Butner 3 Grade teacher Michelle Smith teaches students from home. Below: Butner students Serenity Wind and Emma Wind learn from home. Courtesy Photo by Michelle Smith and Staff Photo by Bill Anderson
Read moreThe Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) has issued the following situation update about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Oklahoma:
Read moreAs a public service to our readers, The Seminole Producer will publish, free of charge, press releases for those who recently filed for public office.
Read moreSeminole State College has refined its concurrent enrollment process in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. High school juniors and seniors wishing to attend Seminole State College concurrently must submit a current enrollment form signed by the high school principal or counselor, parent/ legal guardian, and the student each semester. SSC is accepting emails from principals and counselors as well as signatures for approvals.
Read moreSeveral women from Seminole County are coming together to help their communities. These ladies are using their skills to make masks for anyone in need.
Read moreThe novel coronavirus COVID-19 was the dominant story of the first months of 2020. As new information emerged and the virus spread from its epicenter in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, to other areas of Asia, Europe and the United States, various world health experts briefed the public on the proper protocol they believed would help stall the spread of this contagious virus.
Read moreAmid concerns of coronavirus clusters and efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, and based on social distancing recommendations from medical professionals, schools across the country began to close their doors and adopt a remote learning model in March 2020. One of the largest communities affected was New York City, which closed schools across the five boroughs. The New York City school system is vast, with 1,800 schools servicing more than one million students.
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