In recognition of the vital roles restaurants play in fostering strong communities, many local governments have urged residents to order takeout or delivery if they can afford to do so. Millions of consumers have heeded that call, helping restaurants stay afloat in a time marked by economic uncertainty while appreciating a night or two off from preparing meals at home.
Read moreA farmers’ market is likely coming to a field or open parking lot near you - if there isn’t already one operating nearby. The United States Department of Agriculture says that, between the years of 2008 and 2013, the number of farmers’ markets doubled across the country.
Read moreSports are a great tool to teach young people various lessons. Sports can instill a sense of teamwork and responsibility in youngsters while promoting a physically active lifestyle that can benefit kids into adulthood.
Read moreThe Oklahoma State Department of Health has released the following situation update about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Oklahoma:
Read moreAs we near the reopening of schools, there will no doubt be significant challenges in balancing a safe return to the classroom. To gauge teachers’ views on this issue, Professional Oklahoma Educators surveyed its members regarding school safety protocols and reopening plans.
Read moreThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a final rule to reduce lead in plumbing materials used in public water systems, homes, schools and other facilities. This action marks a significant milestone in implementing the Trump Administration’s Federal Action Plan to Reduce Childhood Lead Exposures and Associated Health Impacts. Along with other actions taken by EPA and our federal, state and local partners, this final rule will help protect public health—especially children’s health—from the risks associated with lead exposure.
Read more1. THE PRICE GOUGING SCAM: Some retailers are marking up essential items such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer at abhorrent levels. This is particularly egregious with record unemployment as people simply cannot afford to pay $30 for toilet paper. Price gouging law varies by state but on average it is illegal to mark a product up 10% or more during a declared emergency. Amazon has had to remove half a million items for sale on its website due to price gouging and has suspended 6,000 accounts.
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