Monday – Breakfast: Biscuit, sausage patty, fruit, cereal variety, juice variety and milk variety. Lunch: Corn dog, carrots, pears, alternate: Burrito, and milk variety.
Read moreFor the sanity of the homebound, here are activities you and/or the others in the household may consider while spending more time at home. Let’s alphabetize them, for the fun of it.
Read moreJames A. Garfield lingered for three months after being shot and his death pushed Chester Alan Arthur into the Presidency of the United States.
Read moreThroughout the Covid-19 pandemic a pressing debate has been brewing throughout the country, is masking up cool?
Read moreFor as long as I can remember I have always loved the environment and the animals among it, but in recent years I have started to see more and more pictures along with videos of the Earth burning destroying ecosystems and the life in it.
Read moreThe 2020-2021 school year has finally started after a long Spring Break, and for the first time, I am excited to begin!
Read moreAs we all remember, COVID-19 forced our district to take dramatic measures to ensure the safety of students and staff.
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