Starting a home business through network marketing can be rewarding and fun. Having control over your work schedule, not having a boss to answer to (unless you have a wife…lol), and doing something you really enjoy are all great incentives to work from home.
Read moreA few years ago on a Monday night I was giving my 10 year old daughter instructions on cleaning her room. I was pointing out the clothes and nick nacks that needed to be put away, where to put them and how to organize the room. I was going a mile a minute just picturing the progress she would make with my expert advice when she said to me “MOM, ISN’T THERE A TUESDAY?”
Read moreLots of people dream of taking up courses in art in order to develop their talents. Others just need a new hobby or a good way to relax. Unfortunately very few have enough free time to spend it traveling forth and back to the nearest school of art and attending classes there. It turns out to be just the type of hobby that we can never start, because despite our talent we don’t have the time for it and it stays out of our grasps.
Read moreHave you been taught if a can of food is bulging then it is bad and that is all you know about the safety and quality of food on your shelf? If your milk in your fridge has passed the expiration date do you still drink it until it tastes bad?
Read moreAs of this advisory, there are 118,409 cases of COVID-19 in Oklahoma.
Read moreDEAR ABBY: My brother “Brian” and his wife, “Laurel,” have an adult son, “Dick,” who dated a girl I’ll call “Crystal” for 10 years before they got married. Everyone got along fine, until Crystal gave birth.
Read moreExpecting a child is one of the most wondrous times for a couple, especially if the child is their first-born. But it could also be quite a challenge to the couple considering the various things they have to consider and prepare before labor or birth. Child experts and even OB Gynecologists will tell the expectant couple to prepare a few things a month or so before the projected birth date. Also, welcoming a new addition to the family should be put to consideration in order to build a harmonious relationship with all the members of the family.
Read moreLinda Kay (Neese) Knight, lifelong Seminole area resident, passed away Sunday, October 25, 2020 at Oklahoma Heart Hospital South in Oklahoma City at the age of 72.
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