Monday - Swedish meatballs with rice, carrots, beets, roll, pudding and milk.
Read moreMany factors go into the development of new identity beliefs. The work is demanding and can be very scary as you attempt to assume certain responsibilities for the first time.
Read moreIt hadn’t fully occurred to Nick Bellono and his colleagues how much joy they got from doing their research until access to it was taken away by the economy-wide pandemic shutdown.
Read moreJust as the snow comes down at Snowman Wonderland, so will the Christmas tree along with the light displays until next season. Snowman Wonderland will have the lights on throughout the weekend to celebrate the New Year. Staff Photo By Bill Anderson
Read moreThe U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced final rules for Unmanned Aircraft (UA), commonly known as drones. The new rules will require Remote Identification (Remote ID) of drones and allow operators of small drones to fly over people and at night under certain conditions. These rules come at a time when drones represent the fastest-growing segment in the entire transportation sector — with currently over 1.7 million drone registrations and 203,000 FAA-certificated remote pilots.
Read moreVamoosa Baptist Church was broken into between 12:15 p.m. Sunday, December 27th and 6:30 p.m. on Monday, December 28th. A V-nose, enclosed white trailer, sound system equipment, electronics, TVs, musical instruments, and other various items were stolen from the church.
Read moreThe Oklahoma State Department of Health announced its plan to transition into phase two of the COVID-19 vaccine distribution by offering the vaccine to first responders and health care workers outside the inpatient setting. The department plans to utilize designated distribution points across the state.
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