Aaron Sowder, Floodplain Administrator, reminds residents of the Town of Cromwell that they are eligible to purchase affordable flood insurance, in or out of the floodplain, through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Read moreLegislation authored by Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, to increase pay for election day poll workers took effect July 1, 2024. Senate Bill 290 increased election inspector pay from $110 to $225, and doubled pay for election clerks and judges, from $100 to $200.
Read moreThe Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA), in conjunction with the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE), received a $2.5 million, three-year grant to provide technical assistance to enhance the schoolbased services (SBS) infrastructure in Oklahoma. This investment will allow more students and their families to connect with local and state health care resources.
Read moreThe Chikasha Academy Adult Immersion Program (CAAIP) will soon graduate five highly motivated students who will then teach the Chickasaw language to others, according to Joshua D. Hinson (Lokosh), executive officer of language preservation for the Chickasaw Nation Department of Culture and Humanities.
Read moreThe Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA) received Emmy Awards for all five of its nominations during the National Academy of Television Arts and Science 38th Annual Heartland Chapter awards ceremony. Former Seminole resident Susan (Poole) Cadot, OETA Vice President, was among those recognized.
Read moreOG&E’s team of 105 linemen and support staff returned home safely after a nearly two-week-long deployment to assist with power restoration efforts in south Texas. Crews arrived back to their Oklahoma and Arkansas homes late Friday after restoring electricity for tens of thousands of customers in the Houston area.
Read moreIt’s almost “bonus monarch” time in Oklahoma.
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