TODAY’S HISTORY: In 1871, the Great Chicago Fire leveled three square miles, leaving 100,000 homeless and more than 300 dead. In 1945, President Harry Truman announced that the United States would share its knowledge of the atomic bomb exclusively with Britain and Canada. In 2005, an earthquake on the border of India and Pakistan killed more than 75,000 people and left 3 million homeless.
Read moreGovernor Kevin Stitt announced Friday the appointment of Brett William Butner as District Judge for Oklahoma’s 22nd Judicial District.
Read moreTen Seminole High School students will be honored for their academic accomplishments during the Seminole Chamber of Commerce forum meeting Thursday with the presentation of academic letter jackets.
Read moreOklahoma’s labor force participation recently outpaced the U.S. rate for the first time in over three decades, and the Native American workforce played a large role in the surge.
Read moreThe Seminole High School Marching Band winds its way through the downtown district Friday afternoon in the annual Homecoming Parade. Homecoming weekend include multiple activities, including an allclass reunion Saturday night at the Wellness Center. (Staff photo by Andy Wilson)
Read moreSuperintendent Ryan Walters isn’t just talking about buying Bibles for schools.
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