The Varnum Whippets started their district playoffs at Macomb this past weekend.
Oklahoma has a long way to go to reach one of its major educational targets. The goal is to be ranked in the top 20 states on the National Assessment
The arrival of a baby is an exciting time for parents and siblings, but a new addition to the family also stretches the budget. According to the latest figures
Oklahoma’s largest housing authority was among 400 public housing agencies whose 2024 Section 8 Housing Choice voucher programs were underfunded by a total of $400 million by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Seminole High School Speech department hosts Qualifying Tournament today – Saturday
Today’s birthdays include Jeri Bard, John Bear, Joshua Branscum, Jordan Bundy, Quinton Cortez, Hadley Cullop, Lorenzo Edwards III, Aletha Fixico, Carolyn Green, Serena Green, William Harrison, Pam Knowles, Jaime Ladd, Pearl Loudermilk, Freeda McClure, Don Posey, Jennifer Rogers, Nancie Singer, Eric Smith, Leah Thompson, Molly Trimble, Aletha Wise, Lisa Wood, Courtlyn Woods & Brittaney Yeubanks.
The Avedis Foundation this week released a report highlighting its 2024 grants, initiatives and partnerships, which included two key projects in Seminole.
The Strother Yellowjackets traveled to Dover for their district playoffs this past weekend.
The Varnum Whippets started their district playoffs at Macomb this past weekend.
The Seminole Chieftains held their Senior Night Monday night against the Ada Cougars.
CLEARWATER, Fla. A walk-off two-run single from Rosie Davis with two outs in the bottom of the seventh lifted Oklahoma State to a 4-3 comeback win over No. 12 Alabama on Sunday night at the Eddie C. Moore Complex.
DEAR ABBY: My 25-year-old niece is getting married in four months. Five years ago, she lost her father in a tragic accident while her parents were on vacation. Since that time, she has come out as gay and grown closer to me than to her mom (my sister).
DEAR ABBY: I’ve been married to my husband for 30 years. For the past five years, I’ve noticed that he is acting a little different. He’s lost a lot of weight. I found out he’s been smoking drugs. He had this problem years ago, and I thought we had it beat. But now I’m getting the impression that maybe you can’t ever beat it.
DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have not had sex for the last four years. I’m not a perfect husband. I have made my share of mistakes -- not always telling the truth, texting other women -- and she has her share of imperfections as well. She has hit me on more than one occasion. She has also pulled a gun on me and stole $1,400. And yet, I find myself putting all that aside and moving forward. I do love my wife, but right now I am at my breaking point. Do you have any advice? -- AT WITS’ END IN TEXAS DEAR WITS’ END: Because you love your wife and want to stay married, TELL her that. While you’re at it, offer her the opportunity to work out your differences through marriage counseling. If she agrees, it will be a giant leap in the right direction. However, if she doesn’t, for your own safety, you two must separate. The relationship you have described is volatile, unhealthy and unsafe for you. ** DEAR ABBY: I am a senior woman and have been in a relationship for five months with a widower. His wife died three years ago. He calls me every night, and we see each other three to four times a week. My issue is that he’s cheap. He makes three times what I do but takes me out only for bar food meals. I want to say something, but I’m not sure how. He’s a great guy except for this, but I don’t want to stay if he doesn’t value me more. Should I tell him he’s too cheap or just break it off? -- UNDERVALUED IN CALIFORNIA DEAR UNDERVALUED: No, do not do either. Tell him you feel a constant diet of bar food isn’t the healthiest, and you would like to try something different. Then ask him to make a reservation at a restaurant. If he balks, volunteer that perhaps you could split the cost. His reaction to that will tell you whether to stick with him or not. ** DEAR ABBY: My stepdaughter died tragically this year, struck by a driver while on her morning walk. She leaves behind a husband and four children under the age of 18. Their wedding anniversary is coming up, and we usually send a card and money. What would be appropriate for me to do for our son-in-law? I would like to send a card letting him know I’m thinking of him, but don’t know the words to say. -- STUMPED IN MINNESOTA DEAR STUMPED: Please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of your stepdaughter. Because her husband is family, I don’t think sending a card would be enough. Pick up the phone, start a conversation and tell him he is in your and your spouse’s thoughts and you want him to know it. Sending an anniversary card to someone whose spouse has recently died might not be as helpful as lending a willing ear.
I decided to make chili the other day. Thought it would be perfect in this cold weather. I make my chili according to an old family recipe my greatgrandpa Byron “BA” Hanks left the family. Mom taught it to me. She described how Papa chopped the onions and garlic, and added ¾ cup of warm water. “You dasn’t add tomato or beans,” he commanded. I’m sorry, Papa. It tastes better to me with beans and tomatoes. I have a preacher friend from Ada who calls my chili recipe “chili bean soup.” I don’t care, Randy. My family and I love it.
Harjo Wayland Shane Harjo, age 47 and a resident of Tonkawa, Oklahoma passed away February 15, 2025 at Hennessey Care Center in Hennessey, Oklahoma.
Harjo It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Stefan Harjo who passed away on 02/13/2025.
Hurst Reta Jean Hurst, longtime Maud, Oklahoma resident, passed away Thursday, February 13, 2025 at her home in Maud at the age of 73.
Dorothy Lea Carter passed away Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 at her home in Wewoka, Oklahoma at the age of 92.